State Law requires the appointment of a local Citizens' Bond Oversight Committee for Measure "I". The purpose of the Citizens' Bond Oversight Committee is to:
- Actively review and report on the expenditure of voter-approved bonds
- Receive and review copies of annual performance and financial audits
- Present an annual written report to the Board of Trustees
Education Code Section 15278 requires that the Citizens' Bond Oversight Committee inform the public concerning the expenditure of revenues received from bond sales pursuant to Measure "I". The Oversight Committee consists of individuals from local businesses, senior citizen organizations, organizations involved with schools, a bona fide taxpayer organization, as well as parents of children residing in the Santa Ana School District.
Measure "I" Citizens' Bond Oversight Committee Members
Name |
Representation Category |
Elaine Beverly Hoffmann (Committee Chair) |
Senior Citizen Community Representative |
Lucinda Solórzano (Committee Vice-Chair) |
Taxpayer's Organization Representative |
Andrew Linares |
General Member |
Bulmaro Vicente |
General Member |
Vacant |
Business Community within the District Representative |
Vacant |
Parent Organization Representative |
Vacant |
Parent of Student Enrolled in SAUSD Representative |