What is Family and Community Engagement (FACE)?

FACE- Connected

Why FACE? Student academic success and socio-emotional well being

  • Family Engagement is a full, equal, and equitable partnership among families, educators, and community partners to promote children’s learning and development from birth through college and career.

FACE is Linked to Learning- An Instructional Strategy

FACE Strategy

FACE is a practice, not a program.

  • FACE is a practice, not a program- it is a practice built on mutually trusting relationships which lead to shared leadership in benefit of all students. in SAUSD, we are all FACE practitioners. 


    To learn about the practice of FACE and the Dual Capacity model, please visit dualcapacity.org for more information. Thank you for visiting our page! 



  • In our practice of FACE in SAUSD, we are excited to share with you more inforamtion about the Wellness Centers. The Wellness Centers are a component of our practice of FACE in SAUSD and they are located inside every single SAUSD school. 

WC Logo
Last Modified on March 1, 2022