Educational Services
Page Navigation
- Educational Services-Deputy Superintendent's Office
- Educational Services
- Grant Writer/LCAP
- Research and Evaluation
- Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP)
- School Plan for Student Achievement
- We Care
- Uniform Complaint Procedure
- Williams Uniform Complaint
- School Performance & Culture
- CSI School Plan & Student Achievement
- Special Education/SELPA
Teaching & Learning
- Family and Community Engagement (FACE)
- Family and Community Engagement (FACE) - copy
- Advanced Placement
- Athletics and Wellness Programs
- Communication Access Realtime Translation (CART)
- Early Childhood Education
- Elementary Report Card Guides in English
- Elementary Report Card Guides in Spanish
- Elementary Report Cards, Explained (Interactive)
- English Learner Services
- High School Diploma eligibility - SB 172
- SAUSD ARTS (Visual and Performing Arts)
- Science
- Secondary ELA/ELD Instructional Materials Adoption Process 2017/18
- Section 504
- Teacher Induction & Professional Support
- Universal PreKindergarten (UPK)
- Teaching & Learning Lab
- Ethnic Studies
Educational ServicesEducational Services supports teaching and learning programs at the school sites in SAUSD. Our primary goal is to assist school site teachers and teacher leaders in the delivery of high-quality learning environments that are supportive of student choice and result in each student being prepared for the College and/or Career pathway of their choosing. We believe that parents are our partners in this process and encourage you to let us know what we can do to help you and your child to meet their learning goals.Deputy SuperintendentEducational ServicesPhone: (714) 558-5523Fax: (714) 480-5321Email: Lorraine.Perez@sausd.usAssistant SuperintendentK-12 Teaching and LearningPhone: (714) 558-5656Fax: (714) 480-5321Email: Bianca.Barquin@sausd.usGloria O. Olamendi, Ed.D.
Assistant SuperintendentSpecial Education/SELPAPhone: (714) 558-5501Fax: (714) 480-5311Email:
Last Modified on July 12, 2023