• enrollment logo  Enroll Now in SAUSD SchoolsEnroll now in the Santa Ana Unified School District for the 2024-25 school year. 


    Scan the QR Code with your cell phone to compete and submit your request.

    Escanea el Código de QR con su celular para completar y enviar esta solicitud.

    Link/Enlace: https://eportal.sausd.us/Enrollment/

    Website/Sitio Web: www.sausd.us/Enroll

    This process is not for students currently attending our district.

    Este proceso no es para estudiantes que actualmente asisten a nuestro distrito.

    Any questions/Preguntas?

    Visit or contact your local school or call Support Services at:

    Visite o comuníquese con su escuela local o llame a Servicios de Apoyo al:



Our News

Principal's Message

  • Fremont Community,

    My name is Armando Gutierrez, and it is with great pleasure and honor that I serve as your Principal. 

    We will continue to have high expectations for our students, both academically and socially, and work together with our parents/guardians. At Fremont, we take pride in providing unique long-lasting experiences for our students and developing the "Whole Child". The safety and well-being of our students and staff continues to be our number one priority.

    When the Teachers, School, and Parents work together, our students benefit. 





Upcoming Events

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