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In the March 9, 2018 B2B, staff provided the Board members with a description of priorities to guide the ongoing development of a Facilities Master Plan cataloging needs at every District facility. The following program priorities were also considered as criteria from which to evaluate the Facilities Master Plan:
I. Modernization – The State Modernization Program provides State funds on a 60/40 State and local share basis for improvements that educationally and functionally enhance existing school facilities. Projects eligible under this program include Americans with Disability Act improvements, modifications such as air conditioning, plumbing, lighting, electrical systems, and interior finishes. Bond funding would provide a local “match” to:
a. Improve age priority-schools which have waited the longest for improvements
b. Assess State leverage
c. Save on maintenance and energy costs
II. Portable Replacement (P2P) – Consists of the replacement of antiquated portable classrooms with state-of-the-art learning environments. State Overcrowded Relief Grant (ORG) fund savings and bond funds would be used to:
a. Provide State Overcrowding Relief Grant (Successful Lawsuit) and District’s “match” for Carver
b. Match other campuses (equity) who have already received P2P projects
c. Recapture open space
d. Improved learning environments
e. Save on maintenance and energy costs
III. Infrastructure – Includes replacing or improving building systems such as HVAC, plumbing, electrical, etc. Both General Fund and bond funds would be used to:
a. Reduce General Fund maintenance burden (Improve the sustainability of the General Fund)
b. Replace antiquated systems
c. Enhance student and staff safety and security
d. Reduce maintenance costs/improves services to clients (students, faculty and staff)
e. Reduce interruptions to education delivery
IV. Campus Equity – Would add or expand facilities to improve the overall safe, effective, well-maintained, learning environments on par with other peer schools. Both General Fund and bond funds would be used to:
a. Provide facilities that maintain and attract (student) enrollment
b. Provide facilities which support and enhance academic achievement
c. Maximize opportunities for school and community use.
d. Serve all of our District community with convenient neighborhood schools
e. Provide facilities that promote parent involvement and community services.
Please feel free to reach out with questions or comments at www.sausd.us/LetsTalk
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