Algebra 1: school year 2024 - 2025
Ms. Nong
Century High School: Room 5212 Phone: 714-568-7000 x67482 – Email: amber.nong@sausdlearns.net same contacts listed in Math Canvas Classroom
Student Expectations: 1. Be Kind, Be Safe, Be Respectful!
2. Respect all learning & stay in your seat until the bell rings.
3. Bring a good attitude and try to do your best.4. Log in and complete canvas assignments/tasks dailyMaterials:
1. A composition notebook -graph ruled if possible
2. Flashcards (line/graph)3. Tape, hi-lighters/color pens/pencilsAssignments:
Assignments should be done the day (night) they are assigned. There might be random checks (quizzes) to reward students that complete their assignments on time. Please remember it is the STUDENT’S RESPONSIBILITY to seek help as needed, to make up missing work for any absence(s) in a timely manner, and to check/correct answers to keep on the right track.
*CPM ebook website _ ebooks.cpm.org click log in with Google or your sausdlearns.net account
*Handouts / workbook _ check & correct answers when teacher go over it in class or post. Teacher's website at http://www.sausd.us//Domain/492
Tests and Quizzes:
There will be one or more quizzes per unit. There will be No make up for quizzes. However, the lowest quiz score(s) may be dropped at the end of each quarter/semester. A test and/or project will be given at the end of each unit to assess student progress. Students with low test grades may retake or make-up for absences *check deadlines in canvas from Assignments Tab*
Grades & Resources:**Grading scale: A:100%-90% B:89%- 80% C:79%- 70% D:69% – 60% F:59%-below
· All works and positive participations
· Flashcards/Notes
· All quizzes
· All tests & final exam
*Points assigned in the course may vary and reflect approximately the percentages mentioned above*
Tutoring is available during class or Wednesday before school 7:30 am - 8:30 am
_student must come in the first 15 minutes or teacher might work in different locations if no one shows up [Excluding prearranged meetings as needed]
For Distance Learning: Students would email [see] teacher during office hours and/or email to request a zoom/Google Meet as needed.
Students with disabilities who need reasonable modifications, special assistance, or accommodations in this course should promptly direct their request to the teacher, case carrier or counselor on campus.
Parent/Guardian name: ___________________________________________Cell # _______________________
I have read the Syllabus for Ms. Nong's class and discussed it with my parents or guardians who has signed below. I understand and agree to abide by them.
_______________________________________ ________________________________________
Student signature Parent signature
* conditions or tutoring requirements maybe required before retaking a test _ this option is valid up to 30 days before the semester final examStudent work samples: