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Susana Herrera
9th Grade Ethnic Studies Teacher
ELD Teacher
E-mail: Susana.Herrera@sausd.usRoom:5102
Office Hours: Monday- Friday 7:00am-8:25am (by Appt. Only)Department: English/ELD
Period 1 Advanced ELD
Period 2 Prep
Period 3 English 9 Ethnic Studies HONORS
Period 4 English 9 Ethnic Studies HONORS
Period 5 English 12
Period 6 English 9 Ethnic Studies HONORS
Follow me on instagram:@chicanaeducator
As a teacher I am dedicated to our students and teachers. I am here to help students to achieve their fullest potential.
As an English learner, I understand the difficulties that come from learning a new language.English 9 Ethnic Studies Honors
Students will be reading short stories, poems, and novels that represent a variety of topics and people from different ethnic groups. A certain level of maturity is expected in the class as students will be expected to discuss some more serious topics. As always students will be advocates of their learning in the classroom. A variety of learning activities such as writing, creating, and collaborating using more traditional materials as well as technology will be used.
Advanced ELD/English 12
Overall, this is a college preparation course and will therefore be very rigorous. Students will be expected to keep up with assignments if they are absent, as well as other important elements. This class will be using hands-on activities as well as technology for class assignments. Students will also be reading two novels for the school year and participate in book clubs or literature circles in which the final assignment is either a literary project on the text or a literary journal. Students will also be participating in essay writing in a writer’s workshop-style environment with individual conferences that will be held with the teacher. Also, the textbook we will be using is StudySync and novels which are online or supplied by students and students will be expected to have the internet at home. It is up to the student to schedule one on one tutoring with me on an individual basis.
* Pens multiple colors
* Highlighter
* Notebook
* An open and positive attitude
* Chromebook
* Access to the internet and Google Apps
Grading Policy: Students are expected to keep up with all written and other assignments. Grades will be calculated through the use of a point system; points are accumulated throughout the semester. The final semester grade reflects all the work done during the semester. Students should make every effort to complete each assignment; to do nothing earns a 0, and will make it more difficult to pass the course. Total points for each semester will be added and computed so that points fall into grade ranges as follows:
90-100%: A
80-89%: B
70-79%: C
60-69%: D
<60%: F
Students can earn an O for outstanding, S for satisfactory, or an N for needs improvement.
Family Expectations
Be on time, on task, and prepared to learn EVERYDAY.#nofreedays #represent #workhard #quitcheating
Respect the teacher, the classroom, other students, and yourself. #benice #cleanup #ask #extendedfamily
Keep all electronics AWAY except Chromebooks. #heretolearn #myteacherdoesntarguewithstudents
Classroom Environment: We seek to establish an environment in which all students focus on success and learn to respect themselves and all members of our classroom and campus community. Every student has the right to learn. If a situation in which bullying is occurring or this environment is not respected, the consequences involve mediation, class suspension, or removal from the class.
Classroom Condition: I like a neat room. Absolutely no food or drinks—other than bottled water—are permitted. Please do not chew gum in this room. Clean up after yourself. Pick up paper and other trash and dispose of it.
Tardies: Tardies interfere with the education of the tardy student as well as the entire class. For each tardy day, the student will lose 10 citizenship points. Additionally, 10 minutes of after-school detention are assigned for each tardy day. Students may choose to attend detention the same day or the following day. Ongoing tardy problems will require parent contact, either on the phone or in-person at school. Not having your TRF completed is equivalent to being tardy.
Attendance: Good attendance is essential to learning. All students are expected to attend each class period. A student cannot successfully complete the class if he/she misses more than six (6) classes in a 6-week grading period. Students are responsible for informing themselves of and completing work missed due to absence. Students are encouraged to have at least two e-mail/phone “buddies,” who can provide information regarding missed assignments and contact the teacher as soon as possible via Google Classroom.
Passes: Bathroom and other passes are generally not available. Students are expected to remain in class for the full class period. However, in the event of a serious need, passes will be issued to those students who are willing to make up the class time missed after school. There are no exceptions to this requirement. If you are unwilling or unable to make up the time after school, do not ask for a pass. You will not receive one.
Students will be expected to work on some worksheets, tests, quizzes (both as a group and individually). Students will also be working on projects and be expected to orally present and grade peer-created handouts for their particular presentations. Students will be allowed to select to work individually or in groups for these projects. There will also potentially be guest speakers and field trips and these will involve a project or some other assignment. Students will earn the opportunity to participate in these activities throughout the year through behavior and a grade of C or better in their courses. Some assignments will be collected on CANVAS, others will be hand-delivered.
Teacher-Parent Communication: Parents will receive progress reports from Century High School every six weeks. If you have special questions or concerns, parents can e-mail, contact me through Google Classroom, or call me. I will return your call within one day whenever possible. For phone calls, be sure to leave a phone number and a time when you can be reached. In general, if a student receives a referral or other significant disciplinary interaction, the parent or guardian will be called for consultation.