• G R A F F I T I    R E M O V A L



    To assure that all facilities are safe, effective, and well-maintained learning environments, Maintenance & Operations has launched our new 24 hour Graffiti Response Program. The program was started to offer graffiti removal at all school facilities within 24 hours. The procedure is as follows:


    ·        During regular business hours, all graffiti concerns can be reported to the SAUSD Graffiti Hot Line at (714) 796-9035


    ·        Monday- Friday all graffiti concerns can be reported to the Hot Line at (714) 796-9035 24 hours a day


    ·        Weekends and Holidays graffiti concerns can be reported to our Emergency Contracted Service Hotline at 
    (949) 283-0066


    Our goal is to respond to graffiti concerns within 24 hours once reported, the protocol is as follows:


    ·        Plant Custodians should remove all small graffiti problems, all schools have been color matched, and plant custodians have paint on-site


    ·        All graffiti concerns will be addressed within 24 hours once reported to our Graffiti Service





Last Modified on April 4, 2023