Building Services
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Maintenance & Operations
Work Order Prioritization
To provide the best possible service to our school sites, we are requesting you review the following material to help you with your service call requests. As you are aware, budget limitations have forced us to operate with a limited work force. Service calls are prioritized in all shops as follows:
1. Emergency
2. Urgent
3. Routine
4. Preventive Maintenance
Building Services completes over 1,500 work orders each month. The following is the criteria used to prioritize and complete service requests.
Emergency: This requires immediate attention, generally characterized by a dangerous or hazardous condition. Emergency work should be of such importance that immediate action is required to prevent a safety or health hazard, or prevent significant damage to District property. The following would be an emergency request:
§ Flooding, fire, earthquake damage
§ Hazards to life or limb
§ Broken water main
§ Gas leaks
§ Sewer Stoppages
§ Unsecured buildings
Urgent: This request involves a manageable condition that requires action to safeguard life, health, or District property. Urgent requests would consist of the following:
§ Heating or air conditioning
§ Electrical outages
§ Graffiti
§ Lock problems interfering with the operation of the site
§ Toilet stoppages
§ Broken windows
§ Interior/exterior painting
§ Repair of a faucet
§ New or replacement of keys
§ Audio visual repairs
§ Lights
§ Whiteboards
Preventive Maintenance: Service calls scheduled by our computerized work order system
Ø HVAC filter changes
Ø Fire Alarm Testing
Ø Irrigation
Ø Playground equipment & fencing
Ø Fire hydrant testing
The procedure for reporting or submitting a service call request to Maintenance & Operations is as follows:
1. Emergency Work Request: To be reported by a site administrator or office manager via telephone at (714) 796.9075.
2. Urgent Work Request: To be reported via telephone at (714) 796.9075.
3. Routine Request: To be entered in the work order system by designated staff at the school site.
To ensure the highest level of service and response is achieved, Maintenance & Operations requests your support in identifying and submitting work requests accurately. If you have any questions, please contact M&O at extension 79075.