Purchasing and Transportation
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Business Opportunities
Santa Ana Unified School District
Purchasing and Contracts
Vendor Registration - Quotes - Bids - Request for Proposals (RFP) - Request for Qualifications (RFQ)
Vendors are responsible for ensuring their vendor profile is up to date.
Please reference the PlanetBids Vendor Guide for additional information and instructions.
Please note: Formal and informal Quotes, Bids, Requests for Proposals (RFP's), and Requests for Qualifications (RFQ's), may be processed through PlanetBids. Vendors do not need to pay for a PlanetBids subscription or membership to register as a vendor or access solicitations for Santa Ana Unified School District.
For questions or support please call the Purchasing Department (714) 558-5614 or send an email to Purchasing@sausd.us.
Vendors are encouraged to whitelist the following e-mail address to ensure communications from PlanetBids are received; Customercare@planetbids.com.