Continuum of Services

  • If your child is eligible to receive special education services, you have the right to be informed about all available public and non-public schools or programs. The law requires that to the maximum extent appropriate, children with disabilities be educated with children without disabilities. This placement is sometimes called “the least restrictive environment” ("LRE").

    Each student may require a different program or combination of programs, and when appropriate, a student’s curriculum can be modified. The goal is to build programs around a student’s needs rather than trying to fit the student into the programs. The following is a list of the program options from the least restrictive to the most restrictive environment:


    General Education Classes: Whenever appropriate, students with disabilities will be educated in general education classes. In addition, whenever possible, they will attend the school they would ordinarily attend if they were not in special education.


    General Education Classes with Consultation: In order for students with disabilities to be appropriately educated in general education classes, it may be necessary for their teacher to consult with special education personnel to receive guidance and support


    General Education Classes with Related Services: Related services assist students with disabilities to benefit from their education program. Some examples of Related Services: Speech and Language Services, Adapted Physical Education, Counseling, Physical and Occupational Therapy.


    General Education Classes and Resource Specialist Program (RSP): A resource specialist program (RSP) provides instruction and services to students with disabilities assigned to the general education classroom for the majority of the school day. The goal of the resource specialist program is to enable students with disabilities to succeed in the general education environment. The program provides assistance in a variety of ways depending on the needs of a particular student. For example, the resource specialist teacher may work with the student individually in a separate room or collaborate with the student’s teacher to help the student. RSP will many times be a push-in or pull-out model.


    General Education Classes and Special Day Classes: Depending on their needs, students with disabilities may be educated in general education classes for part of the school day and Special Day Classes for the other part of the school day.


    Special Day Classes: Special Day classes serve students who, because of their disabilities, cannot participate in general education classes for a majority of the school day. These classes are provided at general education sites. As appropriate, students enrolled in special day classes interact with their general education peers through academic, non-academic, and extracurricular activities.


    Non-Public Schools: When no appropriate public education program is available, a student with disabilities may be placed in a certified non-public school under contract with the District.


    Home or Hospital: Students with a verified medical or emotional condition that prevents them from attending school may receive services on a temporary basis in the home or hospital.

    State Residential Schools: State residential schools provide comprehensive assessment and services for students with visual and/or hearing disabilities.