In order to conduct educational research in Santa Ana Unified School District, the researcher/s must complete and submit the Appliction to Conduct Research to the Department of Research and Evaluation at research@sausd.us
Only proposals for research that will result in a clear and direct benefit to the District will be considered for approval. Allow approximately 4 weeks for processing. Click on the link below to access the application. If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Emily Wolk at Emily.Wolk@sausd.us or 714-558-5850
The Santa Ana Unified School District has supported the research and approved a large numbers of Applications to Conduct Research in the past because we believe research leads to innovation and improvements in instruction and improved outcomes for students. Due to the large volume of requests, only a limited number of proposals will be approved that have a clear and direct benefit to the District. We will continue to support the research and evaluation components of our numerous district-wide grants as well as targeted proposals from SAUSD employees and established university and educational partnerships.NOTE: Due to the challenges experienced by our school and District communities during the 2021-2022 school year, we will be approving only a select few proposals. Only those research projects found by program decision-makers to be of concrete and timely benefit to the District will be recommended for approval.Please review the Board Policies and Administrative Regulations for conducting research in SAUSDCurrent Research Projects
- NWEA-SAUSD Research Partnership
- Proving Ground
- ST Math with MIND Institute
- CORE-PACE Research Partnership
- Santa Ana Partnership
In the news!
Santa Ana Partnership was highlighted as a promising practice of intersegmental partnerships and data sharing in a recent PACE article.
NWEA-SAUSD Research Partnership won the first annual Design Challenge to identify direct assessments of social-emotional competence, managed by the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL).
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