Student Achievement Partners

Student Achievement Partners -
Student Achievement Partners is a nonprofit organization that assembles educators and researchers to design actions based on evidence that will substantially improve student achievement. Founded by three or the contributing authors of the Common Core State Standards, Student Achievement Partners is devoted to accelerating student achievement by all students by supporting effective and innovative implementation of the Common Core.
Student Achievement Partners played an leading role in development of the Common Core State Standards, a process that drew on the input of thousands of teachers, business leaders, researchers, and policymakers. As contributing authors of the Common Core Standards, Student Achievement Partners helped ensure that the Standards were based on the best available evidence of what students need to know and be able to do in order to be ready for the demands of college and career.
Today, Student Achievement Partners supports successful implementation of the Common Core Standards. Student Achievement Partners work closely with teachers on all the tolls if develops, and makes all resources available at no cost to educators at our website: