Kindergarten Teacher's Guides and Materials for CC Units of Study #1, 2, 3

Common Core Kinder Fall Unit of Study: Wampanoag and Pilgrims: Working Together is Better
Teacher Guide Wampanoag and Pilgrims Unit of Study  Here is the whole teacher guide for you to download
Student Learning Journal - Here are all the English materials for students - copy one sided only
Spanish (see all material in separate Spanish Materials folder)
Spanish TE Revised 2015 all materials for teachers and  students is included and revised. 11/4/15
Student Learning Journal Sp - All student materials, including homework, is revised 11/4/15
Preparing the Learner
a. Rules and Posters for Collaboration
c. Color Shapes for Sorting Model in the pocket chart
Week 1
 Revised Lesson 1 -Added pictures on the pictorial
d. Photos of foods for pictorial (Appendix D) Use the real pictures of foods with the ABC Book!
e. Sorting Material for pocket Chart: Hunted, Gathered, and Planted (appendix F)
f. Student Material for sorting: Hunted, Gathered, and Planted (appendix F)
g. Appendix G The More We Get Together Song Powerpoint Use this easy powerpoint to sing the song and change the words (with pictures) CD available from your CLAS teacher! 10/20/12
h. Best Thanksgiving Day Big Book- Make a big book for your class for week 1!
Week 2
i. Appendix H flow map
k. Wampanoag and Pilgrims Big book -  Color - Make a big book for your class for week 2! 
L. Wampanoag and Pilgrims Big book - NO color - Make and color this book yourself 11/05/12
Week 3
Appendix Gb The More We Get Together Now Song Version with rebus 10/27/12 CD available from your CLAS teacher! 10/21/12
Common Core Unit #2: Weather
 Teacher and Student Guides
Week 1
Week 2
Extra Song for Week 2 and 3
Round go the Season Posters and world Here are the symbols for seasons and the world to paste them on as the students go around the sun.
Week 3
Common Core Kinder Spring Unit of Study: From Wheat to Table and The Little Red Hen
Revised Little Red Hen 2015 - TE  (only changes are the content/language objectives and the last lesson, with extension activities)
Student Journal Little Red Hen Run off one-sided only.
Week 1 Materials
Little Red Hen Powerpoint  This is the little book made large for your class
Little Red Hen Big Book  This is the big book in color to make.  It is legal size (8
1/2 x 14) paper
Little Red Hen Sight Words Here are the sight word cards in color - This is optional - they are specific to the books they will be reading this week.
Little Red Hen Flow Map cards for pocket chart
Week 2 Materials
From Wheat to Bread Power Point  Here is the PowerPoint of the informational text for week 2
Wheat Sight Words Here are the sight words with wheat on them - they are the same words as the hen cards! You can use the other cards just as well as these. You do not need both sets.
Bread Song in color Use like a ppt. From Wheat to Bread Power Point