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  • The Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) is a critical step in the right direction to ensure a more equitable funding system that better reflects the educational needs of English Learners and students considered to be at or below the poverty level. It is a student-centered school funding system that provides school districts with the flexibility in resources to prepare for the demands of a changing global economy. It is a way to equalize educational opportunities while holding districts accountable. LCFF replaces the former State funding that districts received including funds for students classified as English Learners, Foster Youth, or those eligible for free and reduced-price meals.

Additional Information

  • LCFF
  • New State Funding Model Nuevo Modelo Estatal de Fondos
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    Santa Ana Unified School District
    1601 East Chestnut Avenue | Santa Ana, CA 92701-6322 | (714) 558-5544 | www.sausd.us