Beanstack is a gamified reading log platform that makes it easier for students to log their reading and for teachers to keep motivating their students to read. Students can see their visual reading log, participate in reading challenges, and earn virtual badges and possibly other rewards via site or summer reading incentive programs. Teachers can track their students' reading, pull various data points to share, and provide feedback and insights into the reading habits at the school.
To access Beanstack, go to your school library webpage or to your chromebook bookmarks for your school's unique link. Then log in with your google account.
Beanstack Basics for Schools: The student experience (7 minute video)
Beanstack Teacher Experience 02.01.23 (7 minute video)
For assistance or more information, explore the Beanstack for Schools Help Center or contact your Site Librarian or the District Librarian, Tamara Davis (