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Video: Two SAUSD Representatives Receive Statewide Honors from California Association of School Counselors

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Two SAUSD representatives are receiving statewide honors from the California Association of School Counselors (CASC), it was announced Aug. 11, 2022.


Each year, CASC gives awards to individuals who have been instrumental in the field of school counseling. These individuals are nominated by their peers and chosen by an independent panel who follow the various criteria for each category.


SAUSD’s Laurie Tristan, a counselor at MacArthur Fundamental Intermediate, was named the California School Counselor of the Year by CASC. CASC School Counselor of the Year recognition highlights the achievements, leadership, and accomplishments of dedicated and hard-working school counselors. 


Dr. Sonia Llamas, SAUSD’s Assistant Superintendent of K-12 School Performance & Culture, was named the California School Counselor Advocate of the Year by CASC. The California School Counselor Advocate of the Year award is given to those who demonstrate exemplary advocacy through long-term support for school counseling in California.


Both recipients were honored during a meeting of SAUSD school counselors Aug. 11, 2022 at the Delhi Center. 


Both will also be formally recognized by CASC during an awards ceremony on Oct. 5, 2022 at the Riverside Convention Center, as part of the group’s 22nd annual conference.




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