Prompt and daily attendance at school has a direct bearing on academic success. Students are expected to attend all classes for which they are registered every day that classes are in session. Parents are expected to ensure that students attend school and are on time to school each day. The Outreach Resource Consultant, Ms. Conde, is available for consultation regarding attendance and/or adjustment concerns. Please note, attendance concerns will result in school intervention.
Office Hours: 7:30 am - 4:30 pm
- Attendance Office Lines: 714-568-7012 & 714-568-7013
- 24 Hour Phone Line – 714-568-7066 (All Day Absence Calls Only)
To report an absence, tardy or early release, a parent/guardian must provide the following information when you call or send a note with the student:
- Full name of student
- Date of absence/tardy
- Reason
- Parent/guardian name, phone number, signature
For Full Day Absences ONLY, parents/guardians should do one of the following:
- Call the 24-hour attendance line at (714) 568-7066 each day of their student’s absence.
- OR, give the student a note to bring to the attendance office upon returning to school.
** If your child is absent more than 3 days in a row, call Mr. Melgar (714) 568-7013 directly.
*** If your child is absent for more than 5 days in a row, a doctor's note to excuse the absences will be required.
Late Arrivals, parents/guardians can:
- Call the Attendance Office lines 714-568-7012 or 714-568-7013
- Give the student a note to bring to the attendance office upon arrival at school.
Students need a valid reason for being late to school. Traffic, oversleeping, having to take someone else to school/work, or alarm malfunctions are not valid reasons. Excessive tardies have a negative impact on students' academia.
Early Release, parents/guardians can:
- Send a note with your student to bring to the attendance office PRIOR to the student leaving campus
- Come to the attendance office in person to sign your student out PRIOR to the student leaving campus
*If a student leaves without checking out through the attendance office, even if the parent picked them up, the absence will NOT be excused. It is a safety concern for students to leave campus without checking out. We need to know which students are on and off-campus at ALL times!
Attendance Corrections:
- If an error has been made in attendance, the student should talk to the appropriate teacher to discuss the concern.
- The teacher will complete and sign an attendance correction form. Please understand that we cannot correct the student's attendance record without a correction form signed by the teacher.
- The student or parent should check Aeries to make sure that the correction has been made. Please allow a few days for it to be fixed.
- Absences that have not been reported/cleared in a timely manner will be coded as "Unexcused" and Saturday School will be assigned.
- Tardies beyond thirty (30) minutes = Tardy Truancy
- Leaving campus without an Off Campus Transfer Slip, including during break and passing periods = Truancy (Check in and check out with the Attendance Office. No exceptions.)
- Truancy/Truancies will result in Saturday School/ WIN
- Please note: Once a student is excused for five days in a row due to illness, a doctor’s note must be obtained for excusal on the fifth day. Any absences more than 5 days in a row require a doctor’s note for the absence to still be considered excused. If a doctor’s note cannot be provided, then the absence will be considered unexcused and the student will receive Saturday School. Additionally, doctor’s notes will be required for any student who is absent due to illness for more than 14 days during the school year.
An automated phone message will be generated for each absence marked by the teacher and not cleared. Absence letters are also generated when the student accumulates three, six or nine unexcused absences.
Absences will not be excused in the following cases:
- The student leaves the campus without checking out through the attendance office.
- The student arrives late to school and does not check in through the office with an excused absence.
- The student stops attending class before the change of schedule procedure can be completed.
- The student does not receive permission from a teacher to attend another on-campus activity or classroom.
Excused Absences/Tardies are:
- Verified Illness
- Medical Appointments with Doctor’s Note
- Religious Retreats/Trips/Education (1 day per semester per Ed Code 48205)
- Court Appearance (with documentation)
- Funerals (1 day local, 3 days out of state)
- DMV Appointments (with documentation)
Unexcused Absences/Tardies are:
- Family Vacation/Trips
- Family Emergencies
- Assistance at Home or Work
- Babysitting Family Members
- Driving Family Members to Doctor’s Appointments
- Oversleeping
- Traffic
- Personal Matters (not attending school to celebrate a birthday or wedding)
- Anything else not listed on the excused absence list.