• Letters of Recommendation:

    In order for me to write a thorough letter of recommendation, please ensure I have the following from you:

    1. Copy of your transcripts (unofficial ones from Aeries are fine)

    2. Your Resume (see "Sample Resume" pdf or Word doc below as an example)

    3. "More about Me" Form (see pdf or Word doc below)

    4. Any other forms or documents needed to complete your letter.

    You may email these to me or give me hardcopies. Also, make sure you let me know when you need your letter completed--please notify me several weeks ahead of time since writing a good rec letter is time-consuming and I need to be able to fit it into my schedule. If all of these things are not done, I will be unable to complete your letter. Read over the HEC's page here or see Ms. Huezo if you have general questions about rec letters.


    If you have questions, see me ASAP or contact me by email: Laurie.Blois@sausd.us


    Sample Resume (Word doc) or Sample Resume (pdf)

    More about Me (Word doc) or More about Me (pdf)