• Hi, I am Mrs. Kaniski. I teach American Sign Language (ASL) 1-4. I have been teaching ASL since 2005. I came to Segerstrom in 2017. I am HOH (hard of hearing). I enjoy reading/writing poetry and reading in general. I have a passion for ASL and Deaf Culture and enjoy sharing that passion with others!

    Contact: (cynthiaann.kaniski@sausd.us) or (cynthiaann.kaniski@sausdlearns.net)


    Mon: 3:30 - 4:00pm, Levels 1 & 2; Tue: 8:00 - 8:30am, Levels 3 & 4. Other times must be scheduled w/ Mrs. K.

    Schedule: [Please note that I do not have a prep period. Please include student's name and class period in all emails.]

    1st: ASL 2

    2nd: ASL 3 / 4

    3rd: ASL 3

    4th: ASL 2

    5th: ASL 1

    6th: ASL 1


    ASL Club / ASLHS club advisor