    Ms. Tsai, English Language Arts
     **All assignments and agendas are on Canvas for 10 Ethnic Studies Honors and Google Classroom for AP English Language.
    (714) 241-5000 

    Ethnic Studies Back to School Night Google Slides

    AP English Language Back To School Night Google Slides


    Period 1: AP English Language
    Period 2: Conference Period
    Period 3: Ethnic Studies 10 Honors
    Period 4: Ethnic Studies 10 Honors

    Period 5: AP English Language
    Period 6: Ethnic Studies 10 Honors

    My tutoring hour is on Tuesday, 3-3:30 PM and by appointment if you cannot make after school tutoring.

    Hi! I'm Ms. Tsai, and I am currently teaching 10th grade Ethnic Studies Honors and AP English Language.  I graduated from UCLA with a double major in English and History, and received my Masters in Education from UCI.  

Last Modified on August 27, 2024