Attendance Office
Attendance Office, 714-241-5057
Tiffany Margo, Attendance Tech, 714-241-5058
Email: Tiffany.margo@sausd.us
Report an Absence by Phone
Please call 714-241-5050. You will need the following information:
- Name of Parent/Legal Guardian
- Student's name
- I.D number
- Date of birth
- Reason for absence
- To submit a doctor's note, please email Tiffany Margo
Report Absence Digitally
To report an absence online, please use the Absence Submission Form.
To submit a doctor's note, please email Tiffany MargoOnline Pupil Release Request
To request a pupil's release online, please use the Pupil Release Request Form. Please provide a 24-hour notice for an online request. If your request is less than 1 to 2 hours notice, please call Attendance Office at (714) 241-5058.
If your student is having COVID symptoms, you may contact the school nurse at 714-241-5065 or attendance office for guideline restrictions. Currently, COVID guidelines are being treated like the common cold/flu. Students have to stay home if they present a fever for 24 hrs. May return to school fever free without medication and mild symptoms. It is recommended for students to wear a face mask for about 10 days.