Please, use the link below to start the student survey.
Access Code: your Century Student I.D. Number
Please Answer the Questions As They Relate to Your Experience.
Click Here: Student Survey
You will see a box on the page that asks you to enter an access code. Type your student ID into the box and click “Enter”. Once you have entered your access code, you will see a green button on the right side of the screen labeled “Start Survey.”
After you input your ID as your access code and click enter, on the next screen, you may select your language preference, English or Spanish, at the top left corner of the screen.
There are TWO surveys, each with their green Start Surveys button.
Please click the green “Start Survey” button and complete the survey. After answering all of the questions, click the blue button at the bottom of the screen that says, “Submit.” When you see a final “Thank you” screen, it means you are done.