• Game Design Banner
    TEACHER NAME:  Sam Pham
     Telephone: (714)568-7000 
    Department:  Career Technical Education (CTE)
    Subject: ESPORTS

    Period 1 - C# Game Design (2nd year)
    Period 2 - C# Game Design (2nd year)
    Period 3 - Technology / Prep Period
    Period 4 - Game Design (1st Year)
    Period 5 - Prep Period
    Period 6 - Game Design (1st Year)
    Welcome to Mr. Pham's page! Game Design is a 3 year pathway that students can take at Century. Students learn the fundamentals of designing games and the programming skills to create them as well!
    Century's ESPORTS room
    C# Game Design - Course Overview

    Dive into the world of game design with this hands-on course focused on C# and Unity, two leading tools in the industry.

    Whether you're a budding game developer or simply curious about the process, this course will introduce you to the essentials of creating 3D games from the ground up.

    Course Objectives:
    1. Understand the basics of C# programming and its integration with Unity.
    2. Learn the Unity interface, tools, and functionalities.
    3. Develop proficiency in scripting game mechanics, player controls, and dynamic environments.
    4. Design and prototype 3D levels and characters.
    5. Implement player interactions, AI, and game physics.
    6. Debug, optimize, and refine game experiences.
    7. Collaborate on group projects and critically analyze game designs.
    Canvas Class Links

     C# Game Design - Year 2 - Canvas Link




    Photo Gallery Links: