TEACHER NAME: Sam PhamE-mail: Quocvuong.Pham@sausd.usTelephone: (714)568-7000Department: Career Technical Education (CTE)Subject: ESPORTS
Period 1 - C# Game Design (2nd year)Period 2 - C# Game Design (2nd year)Period 3 - Technology / Prep PeriodPeriod 4 - Game Design (1st Year)Period 5 - Prep PeriodPeriod 6 - Game Design (1st Year)Welcome to Mr. Pham's page! Game Design is a 3 year pathway that students can take at Century. Students learn the fundamentals of designing games and the programming skills to create them as well!C# Game Design - Course OverviewDive into the world of game design with this hands-on course focused on C# and Unity, two leading tools in the industry.
Whether you're a budding game developer or simply curious about the process, this course will introduce you to the essentials of creating 3D games from the ground up.
Course Objectives:- Understand the basics of C# programming and its integration with Unity.
- Learn the Unity interface, tools, and functionalities.
- Develop proficiency in scripting game mechanics, player controls, and dynamic environments.
- Design and prototype 3D levels and characters.
- Implement player interactions, AI, and game physics.
- Debug, optimize, and refine game experiences.
- Collaborate on group projects and critically analyze game designs.
Canvas Class LinksC# Game Design - Year 2 - Canvas Link
Photo Gallery Links:
Graduation 2023: https://photos.app.goo.gl/85vsV5ksRgbhG4o76