Welcome To Mr. Govier's History Class
Room 5209
Mr. Govier
1401 S. Grand Ave
Santa Ana, Ca
Period 1 United States History 120
Period 2 United States History
Period 3 United States History
Period 4 United States History
Period 5 United States History 120
Period 6 Prep
Welcome to History! Students will be studying the past through a variety of different ways. Students will be expected to read and answer appropriate questions pertaining to the material. All students are required to have a notebook to utilize in the classroom for note taking. Homework will be assigned for every chapter and is due the day of the test. Tests will be conducted at the end of each chapter and will be announced by the teacher.
Grading Scale: Students will be graded on a point system.
A = 90 - 100 % Tests 30%
B = 80 - 89% Projects 30%
C = 70 -79 % Homework 30%
D = 60- 69 % Final 10%
F = 59% and below
Classroom Rules
1. When the teacher is speaking or another student has been recognized, LISTEN,
do not interrupt.
2. Students need to be in their seats and ready to work when the bell rings or you
will be considered tardy.
3. There is no food or drink allowed in class. (Water is okay)
4. Students need to bring all materials to class i.e. pencils, papers, and notebook.
5. Students are expected to follow all rules set forth by Santa Ana Unified School
District, which can be found in the students agendas.
6. Tardies and unexcused absences will result in the deduction of two points per tardy
or absence
7. Late work will be accepted for one week after it is due with a 25% deduction in
points, after that it will be a zero.
Attendance is extremely important.