
    Jespersen Classroom Expectations for Spanish levels 1 & 3  Year 2021-2022


    * Extra Credit for each 8:00am-8:30am Tutorial for the first 5 tutorials, You must schedule an appointment with me first!

    5 points each = 5 x 5 = 25 assignments category points

    If you need to contact me, I prefer you call me ASAP. If I do not answer, you may leave a message at 1(562)646-6826 You may call me from 8:00am until 4:00pm only and only during school days. USE THIS PHONE NUMBER AS YOUR FIRST LINE OF COMMUNICATION BECAUSE IT WILL RESOLVES ISSUES EXPEDITIOULY!

     If you choose to email me on a matter that can wait, I will check my email once a day in the morning and only during school days. E-mail: Martin.Jespersen@sausdlearns.net.

    You may also address it the first 5 minutes we first start each class session and most often that will do!

    Welcome/Bienvenido, I am looking forward to working with you this semester. Each student will have the opportunity to learn to read, write and speak in Spanish in many ways. I anticipate an exciting semester packed with fun-filled and challenging activities. In order to ensure student success, students are to review the following classroom expectations.

     Classroom Behavior: 

    1. Students must be prepared for class every day and arrive on time with their Charged chromebook with charger chord, and headphones so that I can see them! All Chromebooks should be charged at night!
      • The Clock will be set to my cell phone/ or standard internet time!
      • (I prefer 2 minutes early so I can take role and start class.)
      • I will only take role once! 
      •  It is up to the student to verbally let me know if they arrive late.
      •  Points will be taken away for habitual late arrivals.

    3. Students are expected to follow the school rules of discipline.

     4. Students are expected to be respectful to their peers and teachers, stay on task, and not talk during instruction without permission.

     5. Students are expected to follow ‘Segerstrom’s Academic Honesty Policy’ for all assignments, projects, and assessments.

     6. Students who do not abide by the rules will lose points, receive phone call to parents, Parent Square Messages, call to the counselor, and office referrals for severe or repeated offenses.

     7. The school highly encourages each student to have a quiet place to study at  or complete assignments at home.

     8. Many assignments require word processing, research, and multi-media. Thus, chrome-books have been provided to all students. Please let me know if you will be using another device! Phones will not be permitted as a device because it will limit what can be done in class. 

    9. Students have also been assigned a “google account” which may be used to complete classwork or assessments. (Google Accounts included: ‘google slide’, ‘google doc’ and many more.

    10. All handouts and classwork sheets and assessments will be available to all students via their google account. A google classroom has been established for all my classes. See Aeries for login info.


     12. If a student is absent, he/she must turn in the work assigned from the last day they were present in class when they return to class.

    13. Students are responsible for making up all assignments during their absence. Make-Up Tests will be given during class the next day or during tutoring and scheduled with the teacher a day in advance!

     They will have one week to make up quizzes or tests after that it will be a zero.

     If a student fails to make up an assessment within this time, they will receive a zero.

     14. If a student receives a 69% or below on an assessment, he/she will have the opportunity to retake the test once. A student must attend a thirty -minute tutorial session during Tutorials before he/she will be allowed to make up an assessment. The grade will be for a maximum of 70% and can only be taken once!

    Grading Policy: 

    Students’ academic grades will be based on the accumulation of points earned on each weighted category below:

    TESTS = 25%

    QUIZZES or Projects = 20%

    Assignments/Oral participation/Dialogues = 40%

     FINAL = 15%

    The following percentage scale will be used to assign grades:

     90 – 100%= A


     70 – 79% = C

     60-69 %=D

     59% and below=F

    AERIES Parent Portal… With our new grading program, students and parents are now be able to access their child’s current grade by logging on to the school’s webpage and accessing the Aeries parent portal. To access the site, you will need to call the school’s main office to obtain a password.

    Tutorials will be offered by appointment Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8:00am-8:30am

    * Extra Credit for each 8:00am-8:30am Tutorial for the first 5 tutorials. You must schedule an appointment with me first!

    5 points each = 5 x 5 = 25 Assignments category points


    If you need to contact me, I prefer you call me ASAP. If I do not answer, you may leave a message at 1(562)646-6826 from 7:00am until 4:00pm only and only during school days.

     If you choose to email me on a matter that can wait, I will check my email once a day in the morning and only during school days. E-mail: Martin.Jespersen@sausdlearns.net.


Last Modified on August 12, 2021