
    Mr. Chris Bradshaw
    mailto:christopher.bradshaw@sausd.us or christopher.bradshaw@sausdlearns.net

    CP U.S. History
    Periods 3,4,and 5
    AP U.S. History
    Periods 1 and 2
    *All classes are utilizing Google Classroom for assignments, handouts, and general communication.
    Here is the important information you'll need to know to connect:
    Period 1- Google Classroom Code: 6o63qw5
    Period 2- Google Classroom Code: xe7ia2f
    Period 3- Google Classroom Code: jbp7uqd
    Period 4- Google Classroom Code: 3go34kl
    Period 5- Google Classroom Code: b5nq2jx
    Period 6- Google Classroom Code: nj4wdr4
    *Please feel free to e-mail me at either address regarding any questions or concerns that you might have with the class.
Last Modified on August 21, 2024