    Foreign Language Standards


    1.1 Interpersonal Communication.  Students engage in conversations or correspondence in Spanish to provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions.

    [Tú participas, conversas, escribes, haces investigación para tus proyectos, te expresas y das opiniones en español.]


    1.2 Interpretive Communication. Students understand and interpret spoken and written Spanish on a variety of topics.

    [Tú comprendes el español escrito y hablado por medio de una variedad de temas, por ejemplo:  videos, composiciones, lecturas ficcionales y no ficcionales.]


    1.3 Presentational Communication Students present information, concepts, and ideas in Spanish on a variety of topics to an audience of listeners or readers.

    [Tú das presentaciones sobre conceptos e ideas en español y sobre varios temas.]


    2.1 Practices of Culture.  Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices and perspectives of the cultures of the Spanish- speaking world.

    [Tú comprendes varias de las culturas de habla hispana, sus prácticas y perspectivas, has estudiado varios de los países de habla hispana.]


    2.2 Products of Culture.  Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between products and perspectives of the cultures of the Spanish-Speaking world.

    [Tú entiendes la relación entre los productos y perspectivas  de las diversas culturas del mundo hispanohablante.]


    3.1 Making Connections Students reinforce and further their knowledge of other disciplines through Spanish.

    [Tú logras conectar tu aprendizaje en esta clase con el de otras clases, por ejemplo: inglés, historia y geografía.]


    3.2 Acquiring Information.  Students acquire information and recognize the distinctive viewpoints that area available only through the Spanish language and Spanish-speaking cultures.

    [Tú puedes conseguir información que está disponible sólo en español y por medio de países hispanohablantes para tus proyectos; también reconoces diferentes puntos de vista.]


    4.1 Language Comparisons.  Students demonstrate understanding of the nature of language through comparisons of Spanish and their native language.

    [Tú puedes comparar la lengua española con la inglesa, ver sus diferencias y similitudes.]


    4.2 Cultural Comparisons.  Students demonstrate understanding of the nature of culture through comparisons of Spanish-speaking cultures and their own.

    [Tú puedes comparar la cultura chicana o mexicoamericana con la de otros países hispanohablantes.]


    5.1 School and Community.  Students use Spanish both within and beyond the school setting.

    [Tú usas el español dentro y fuera de la escuela.]


    5.2 Lifelong Learning.  Students show evidence of becoming lifelong learners by using Spanish for personal enjoyment and enrichment.

    [Tú muestras que has aprendido lecciones valiosas y relevantes a tu vida, usando el español por gusto y como parte de tu forma de ser.]


    Title of Assignment:  Gráfica del Arte Latinoamericano


    Name:  Chimultrufia García                Student I.D.: 115597


    Subject:  Spanish for Spanish Speakers 3-4            Year assignment was completed:  2007



    Foreign Language Standards:


    1.2 Interpretive Communication. Students understand and interpret spoken and written Spanish on a variety of topics.


    3.1 Making Connections Students reinforce and further their knowledge of other disciplines through Spanish.



    ESLR:  We are effective communicators who demonstrate literacy in reading, writing, listening and speaking, develop creative and artistic abilities, and use multimedia as a tool for communication.



    Purpose of the assignment:  One of the first units we covered in our Spanish class was “El Arte.”  A lot of the material we covered came from our book, Galería, but we also used other resources like handouts and the internet.  I completed this assignment to demonstrate what I learned during the unit.  For this assignment I took all the information I learned, I shortened it, and put it in my own words. I included a short biography, a photograph, and information about each artist’s most famous art piece.   



    Reflection:  This project is a significant piece for me because I spent a lot of time on it, and I feel my effort comes across.  I learned quite a bit about the lives of various Latino and Spanish artists, and also about art movements like cubism and surrealism.  I also learned a bit about history.  For example, when we studied Picasso’s Guernica, I learned about the bombardment in this town, and I was able to analyze what different images in this mural represented.   Because I am particularly proud of this assignment, I am confident my reader will share in my enthusiasm for it as well!


    Title of Assignment:  Sin mi tú no eres nada


    Name:  Chimultrufía García              Student I.D.: 155897


    Subject:  Spanish for Spanish Speakers 1-2        Year assignment was completed:  2006






    Foreign Language Standard 3.1- Making Connections

    Students reinforce and further their knowledge of other disciplines through Spanish.


    Grades 11 and 12 English Standards- Writing 3.4.

    Analyze ways in which poets use imagery, personification, figures of speech, and sounds to evoke readers' emotions.



    ESLR:  We are effective communicators who demonstrate literacy in reading, writing, listening and speaking, develop creative and artistic abilities, and use multimedia as a tool for communication.







    Purpose of the assignment:  Without me you are nothing is a poem I wrote in my Spanish class right after reviewing metaphors and similes, and after analyzing a poem where the writer used many metaphors.  In this assignment, I was required to demonstrate that I knew how to use metaphors in my writing.  The metaphors I used were supposed to express how incomplete and empty this world would be, if I were not a part of it.






    Reflection:  This poem is a significant piece for me because it took me a long time to write a meaningful poem.  One of the reasons I chose to include it in my portfolio was because I had fun throughout the entire process.  The assignment required me to use the letters of my first and last name which was challenging, but also enjoyable.   I am particularly proud of this assignment and confident the reader will share in my enthusiasm for it as well.