• Welcome to the Business/Technology Department

    The Business/Technology Department at Century High School is a career preparatory program for freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors who are interested in pursuing careers in business or technology. The program offers elective credits that lead to a high school diploma and offer career options for those pursuing degrees in higher education. The e-Business Academy program is at the heart of the business/technology department and has been recognized both locally and at the state level as an exemplary career academy program. The program is recognized by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC), and serves the students of Century High School. The mission of the program is to develop strong business/technology-based skills that meet the needs of the 21st century global e-commerce market while preparing students for college and meaningful careers in today's challenging multi-diversified environment. Students in the academy program will progress through an integrated curricular path with a focus on business. In addition, other classes are offered in the areas of MS Office Certification, AP computer Science, Computer Applications,  and Television/Video Communications.