APES Study AssistanceI found what may be the greatest site ever, www.studystack.com, for helping you learn vocabulary and important factual information. You can create your own study materials, or use those created by others. Below are the "stacks" I have created especially for your use in this class. If this is helpful to you all, I will continue adding stacks as the year progresses and the AP exam approaches.
(There are additional resources listed below the links to the stacks, so be sure to check the whole page!)
Chapter 1 Vocabulary Stack
Chapter 2 Vocabulary Stack
Chapter 3 Vocabulary Stack
Chapter 4 Vocabulary Stack
Chapter 5 Vocabulary Stack
Chapter 6 Vocabulary Stack
Chapters 21 & 22 Vocabulary stack
Chapter 10 Vocabulary stack
Chapter 7 Vocabulary stack
Chapter 9 Vocabulary stack
Chapter 11 Vocabulary stack
Chapter 12 Vocabulary stack
Chapter 13 Vocabulary stack
Chapter 14 Vocabulary stack
Chapter 15 Vocabulary stack
Chapter 27 Vocabulary stack
Chapter 30 Vocabulary stack
Chapter 17 Vocabulary stack
Chapter 18 Vocabulary stack
Chapter 19 Vocabulary stack
Chapter 20 Vocabulary stack
www.hippocampus.org has videos that you can use for review. They may not cover all of the topics on the AP Exam, but they'll help!
Last Modified on September 26, 2019