Degrees and Certifications:
Mr. Dinesh Gore
Instead of a biography of myself... I thought about using this page to showcase some extra links that will help all students be successful. These are valid links that kids should be using. On the Edmodo groups; I upload content based notes, ppt's, etc. Please check with your student to make sure they are a member.
General information:
CNN Student News (CNN 10)- Ten minute daily program produced specifically for Intermediate and High School students. High production value will educate students on current events/ topics. Kids should watch this everyday if possible.
Discovery Education- Student accounts have been created at the start of th year. See me if log-in problems. This is a safe educational resource that provides students the opportunity to watch content based videos (as either a review or to learn a concept.)
World History:
www.eyewitnesstohistory.com (fun primary sources on numerous topics)
The students were shown how to use Youtube and Quizlet to their advantage for the course.
AP Human Geography:
1. Podcasts via Youtube (Andrew Patterson Educational Channel directly correlates to our Textbook, Jon Puchein)
2. All students have been given Princeton Review books at the start of the year. They need to seriously be studying them for the AP Exam. Especially Units 1-5