Welcome!Mrs. Maldonado and Ms. Sandoval (Special Education Teachers)Mrs. Maldonado and Ms. Sandoval have been working together for over 12 years at Segerstrom High School. Their combined programs offer students with disbailities the most least restrictive enviornment. Students in their classes get the opportunity to pariticpate in general education classes, programs with service providers, and community based instruction. Mrs. Maldonado and Ms. Sandoval focus on teaching their students functional academics, life skills, communication skills, motor skills, social skills, and vocational skills.If you need access to our googleclassroom please email Mrs. MaldonadoIf you are joining us on googlemeets you need to be logged into your child's sausdlearns.net email address. Our Password is SFHSmaldonadoIf you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact us.Mrs. Maldonadoangela.maldonado@sausd.usMs. Sandovalpaula.sandoval@sausd.us
Last Modified on September 1, 2021