• Biology


    In biology, you will study the origins and history of life, the structures of living things, how living things interact with one another, and how living things function.  This is the basis for understanding how humans play a vital role in preserving and sustaining the natural environment.   A deeper understanding of biology allows us to see how all living systems depend on one another for their ultimate health and survival.


    Instructor: M. Silva


    Textbook: Glencoe Science: Biology


    Conference: 9:07-10:02.  If you wish to speak or meet with me about your son/daughter, please contact me during this time at (             ) or you may send me an email message to msilva@sausd.us.


    Course Requirements

    1,  Portfolio

    • A three ringed binder

    2.  Materials-You must bring everyday!

    • Colored pencils
    • Textbook
    • Pencil/Pens
    • Portfolio (three ringed binder with labels, dividers, and loose leaf paper)

    3.  Homework Policy

    • All assignments must be done on standard lined notebook paper and must be legible.  Your name, the date, the class subject, and the class period need to be included in the upper right hand corner of your paper.  In addition, each assignment must be titled.  If these directions are not followed, then your work will not receive full credit.
    • Unless stated otherwise, all homework and other outside assignments are due at the beginning of class.     
    • Late homework, labs or projects will result in a letter grade reduction for everyday late not to exceed 3 days.


    4.  Classroom Expectations

    • Be respectful of yourself, your peers, and adults.
    • Each student will write down all assignments in the GFHS student agenda.
    • You will be expected to participate in all labs and class activities.
    • Not following lab safety rules will result in a zero for all class activities/labs for that day.
    • Bottled water is allowed in class (except during labs).  No food or candy is allowed in the classroom.
    • Students are expected to abide by all of the guidelines stated in the GFHS Student Handbook,  failure to do so will result in the appropriate consequences as listed on the tardy, homework and dress code cards.  For other student conduct violations, the following progressive discipline plan will be used:


                                                                    1st  Infraction:  Warning

                                                                    2nd Infraction:  Teacher/Student Conference and 15 minutes detention

                                                                    3rd Infraction:  Parent Contact and 30 minutes detention

                                                                    4th Infraction:  Administrative Referral


    5.  Course Description 

    • A study of the origins and history of life, the structures of living things, how living things interact with one another, and how living things function. Students will observe basic principles in the laboratory and report the results through logically structured lab reports. This course satisfies both the S.A.U.S.D. science requirement as well as, U.C. and California State University science requirements for admission as a laboratory science.


    • This Course is aligned with the California State Standards for Biology.  Below are the topics to be covered according to the standards and the semester in which they will be covered.


                                                       Fall Semester                                                                          Spring Semester


                                               Chemistry in Biology                                                                       Heredity (Genetics)                                                                       

                                               Cellular Structure and Function                                                       Evolution                                        

                                               Principles of Ecology                                                                       Disease (HIV/AIDS)


    6.  Grades and Homework:  Grades are weighted.  The grade is determined by student performance in the following areas.

    o        Tests/Quizzes……..…………………………………………50%

    o        Labs/Projects………………………………………………...30%

    o        Homework/Classwork…………….………………………....20%


    Grading Scale

    A=100-90          B=89-80          C=79-70          D=69-60          F=59 and below


    7.  Absences

    • It is your responsibility to get make-up work.
    • You get one day for every day absent to complete assignments.
    • The day you return to school pick up homework you missed in the file folder marked absent work.
    • Turn in any work that was collected while you where gone.  This is your responsibility!
    • If you do not turn in homework or complete an assignment/lab you missed while you were absent, it will result in a ZERO!  If absent on the day of a test you are still expected to take the test the day you return to school.  If you miss the review day you still must take the test.
    • Cheating will not be tolerated and will result in a zero on any test, quiz, lab, or homework assignment for both parties involved (THIS INCLUDES COPYING SOMEONE ELSE’S WORK AND PLAGIARISM.)
Last Modified on December 9, 2013