Caption Sheet Templates
A crucial part of learning and progressing is reflecting on your learning and on your work.
1. Please select ONE of the group essays and two other individual writing pieces to add to your portfolio.
2. Make a copy of it if it is a group assignment (so you are the sole owner of the document).
3. Re-read the essay and complete one last edit on it.
4. Leave the due date of the paper and all the names of your group members.
5. Change the share setting on the document so it will be viewable on your portfolio.
6. Find and read through the caption sheet template.
7. Copy the text of the caption sheet and paste it as THE FIRST PAGE of your essay document.
8. Complete the information at the top of the caption sheet.
9. Read through the red prompting notes on the caption sheet and reflect using those prompts.
10. Delete my red notes and leave your response.
11. Read through your response to edit/revise.
12. Place in the appropriate location of your portfolio. Make sure the entire first page is visible without making your viewer scroll. Please check that your portfolio placement is user-friendly and visually appealing. There are red placeholders in your portfolio, but please remove them when they are no longer needed.
13. Verify that your document has been shared to anyone at SAUSD apps can view OR anyone with the link can view (if you want to copy your portfolio for the future, this will help you).