• Standards for Written Work

    All students will be held accountable by the teachers for the following standards when turning in written work.  Failure to meet the following standards will result in a consequence such as a reduced credit or having to redo the assignment.

    • Use standard-size paper, 3-hole punched paper
    • Paper must be neat and should not be folded, crumpled, or torn
    • Writing must be legible
    • For formal assignments, write on one side of the paper only
    • Pencil or blue/black ink is used for assignments unless otherwise instructed
    • Follow grammar rules
    • No texting abbreviations for assignments

    Standards for Typed Work

    All students will be held accountable by the teachers for the following standards when printing an assignment to be turned in. 

    • Use standard-size paper
    • Paper must be neat and should not be folded, crumpled, or torn
    • Use a 12-point type
    • Use the font prescribed by the teacher
    • Use double-space, not single-space between lines
    • Margins should be set to a standard, 1-inch setting

    Digital assignments that are turned in online may have different formatting requirements, per your teacher’s instructions