


     liza gomez




    Mrs. Liza Gomez is our Registrar and can be found in the front office.  Mrs. Gomez handles all registration paperwork, answers the phones, and assists the office manager in the front office. We are fortunate to have such a hard-working, multi-tasker as part of the Tiger office staff.

    Mr. Ivan Sifuentes is our Office Clerk and can be found right UP FRONT, by the 'meet and greet counter.'  He may also be found helping out with Ms. Garcia and Ms. Salazar in the Attendance Office.




    Ms. Ana Garcia is our Attendance Technician. Her job is to ensure that all students are accounted for here at MacArthur by checking that readmits are processed and all those notes are turned in! If you are sick, have to leave early, or arrive late, then it is Ms. Garcia's smiling face or cheerful voice that will be greeting you. She is the go-to person for parents and guardians when it comes to student absences and early releases. You will find her in the front office.




    If you have questions regarding detentions or just have general questions about MacArthur's disciplinary policies, then visit Mrs. Teresa Salazar
    at the Discipline Desk. She assigns detentions, oversees the Attendance Office student aides, and works with disciplinary issues. Mrs. Salazar has been with MacArthur for a many years and is absolutely up-to-date on ALL things MacArthur! Mrs. Salazar can be found in the Student Services office.

    Just across from the Discipline Desk and Attendance Office is our Health Office. We have two school nurses, Ms. Monica Haro and Ms. Mittal Parmar, who alternately are on campus from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. every day! They can be reached at (714) 568-7716.You can reach them in the Student Services office.

    Mr. Whisner Mr. Scott Whisner is our Testing Coordinator.   He orgnizes and adminsters all district and state assessments.  Mr. Whisner can be reached by email at scott.whisner@sausd.us or by calling the front office 714-568-7700.