
    In order for students to be successful in class, they should have the correct materials.


    In an effort to stress organizational skills, all students will bring the following items to school everyday:  a 3-ring binder that is at least 2 inches thick. Each binder is to be divided into separate sections for each academic area. Students are required to organize their binders daily.


    Every student should have the following school supplies:

    • School Agenda
    • 6 Subject dividers with the name of the subject written on each tab (NO folders are allowed including dividers with folders/pockets)
    • A well-made pencil pouch
    • Sharpened pencils (at least 2 at all times)
    • Colored pencils
    • Blue or black ballpoint or roller-ball pens  (turquoise is not allowed)
    • Red correcting pens
    • Lined paper (at least 50 sheets, without ragged edges)
    • 12-inch/metric rule
    • Calculator (solar scientific calculator is preferable)
    • Small sharpener
    • Safety scissors
    • Glue stick
    • Additional supplies as specified by teachers
    • All books must be covered at all times and each book must have it's own cover.


    All papers are to be 3-hole punched and placed in the appropriate section of the binder; no loose papers should be kept in the inside binder pocket.


    ONE item may dangle off of the backpack and can be used to help the student identify his/her backpack.


    Items we strongly suggest to have at home:

    • Dictionary
    • Thesaurus


    Items that are not allowed on campus at any time:

    • Markers or felt pens of any kind
    • Liquid White Out
    • Aerosol/spray cans or bottles
    • Electronic games and music 
    • Milky, glittery, metallic, or colored pens
    • Trapper, Pee-Chee, or other folders including dividers that have pockets