• Mr. Celestino's Grading Policies

    8th Grade Language Arts

    Each assignment will fall into one of four categories in Aeries.  The categories are as follows:

    Coursework 40%: Coursework includes any written, completed work that is assessed for completion.  These are generally worksheets, Thinking Maps, and focused notes that are completed as homework and classwork.  In most cases, these assignments are collected into unit packets that will have several individual assignments grouped into one grade in Aeries.   Additional Coursework assignments include Reading packets, some online programs, and in-class oral activities that are assessed for compliance.  Reading packets are goal-setting and progress monitoring tools that help students reach their reading goals.  The online programs that are included in this category include NoRedInk and Canvas Practice quizzes, both of which are based on mastery, meaning students have unlimited attempts but must complete the activity correctly.  For in-class oral activities, students will be asked to participate in grand conversations, Socratic seminars, and other collaborative, academic conversations.

    Tests and Quizzes 20%: Tests and quizzes are assessed for performance will be administered both in digital and paper formats, depending on the assignment.  Content for tests and quizzes include vocabulary, grammar, standards-based skill assessments, and text-based comprehension assessments.

    Writing 20%: Writing assignments will be assessed by student performance level and include essays and creative writing assignments.

    Reading: 20%: Reading assignments are also assessed by student performance level and include Accelerated Reader, Reading Plus, or Lexia assignments.

    Late Work: Any assignment can be turned in during the current 6-week grading term.  At the end of the grading term, all missing assignments will be calculated as a zero.



    For journalism class, assignments will fall under two unweighted categories: coursework and deadlines.  Coursework will be comprised of lessons and activities that occur within the traditional classroom setting. 

    Deadline assignments include any work that students complete for publication, including writing articles, photoshoots, working on spreads and layouts, polls, cartoons, and other assignments as assigned.

    Late Work: Any assignment in the coursework category can be turned in during the current six-week grading term.  At the end of the grading term, all missing assignments will be calculated as a zero.  Failure to complete an assignment in the deadline will generally remain open and available for credit when it is completed.  However, missed deadlines for a print issue or MacArthur Minute cannot be made up.