Celestino, Gregory
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Mr. Celestino's Expectations
Students in Mr. Celestino's class will be expected to comply with MacArthur's fundamental structures. Primarily, those include Assignment Cards, Tardy Cards, and Behavior Cards:
Assignment Cards
In order to provide daily monitoring of academic progress, every classroom teacher will utilize Assignment Cards to ensure academic accountability. As a progressive system of classroom and schoolwide interventions, the Assignment Card will develop a sense of responsibility among students and allow them to self-correct problematic academic behaviors. Additionally, parents will be informed of student’s progress through the steps and may also intervene to resolve problem behaviors.
Students will progress through an Assignment Card step for one of three reasons:
- The assignment is lost
- The assignment is incomplete
- The assignment is not up to standard
Behavior Cards
In order to be prepared for academic success, students must meet three daily expectations in all classrooms: arrive prepared, demonstrate respect, and follow directions. As a progressive system of classroom and schoolwide interventions, the Behavior Card will clearly identify when students do not meet these expectations and allow them to self-correct problematic behaviors. Additionally, parents will be informed of student’s progress through the steps and may also intervene to resolve problem behaviors.
Students will progress through a Behavior Card step for breaking one of three classroom expectations:
- Arrive prepared
- Demonstrate Respect
- Follow Directions
Tardy Cards
At MacArthur, teachers maximize time for classroom instruction. Students are expected to be in their seats with their supplies out when the bell rings. In order to meet the expectation, teachers will monitor tardies with Tardy Cards using the steps below. Additionally, parents will be informed of student’s progress through the steps and may also intervene to resolve problem behaviors.
Students will progress through a Tardy Card step if they are not in their assigned seat with their supplies out when the tardy bell rings.