Tutoring!If a student is struggling in a science class, or is simply confused about a particular concept, we encourage them to attend one or more tutoring sessions, offered before and after school every day of the week except Fridays.If a student is earning an "F" in a science class, chances are they will be assigned mandatory tutoring for the next week.Below you will find the days of the week, times, and rooms in which science tutoring will be offered for the Fall semester of the 2023-2024 school year, in addition to any hours an individual teacher may offer their students.
Science tutoring is available:
You can attend any tutoring session for any subject (yes, biology teachers have taken chemistry too!) but often a teacher who teaches the same subject you are stuggling with can be the most helpful for you. See the science department home page to see what we teach.
Last Modified on October 9, 2023