Welcome MacArthur Tigers!
I'm the Assessment & Data Specialist here at MacArthur Fundamental. I coordinate all of the District and State Assessments that students take throughout the year.
One of our District assesments is called MAP (Measurement of Academic Progress). Students take the MAP assesssment 3 times per year. Once at the beginning of the year, another about midway through the year, and one at the end of the year. This assessment tests your students in both Math and Reading.
Students also take a District Writing Assessment in which students write an essay based on a short story that they have read. This assessment is usually taken towards the end of January.
Our 8th grade students also take the Spanish Placement Test. This test determines how well a students knows spanish so they can be properly placed at the correct level when they go to 9th grade. This test is usually taken in late January.
Our English Learner students also take ELPAC (English Language Proficiency Assessment for California). The ELPAC assessment measures how well English learner students are progressing with English language development in the following domains: Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing. This test is taken in February and March of each year.
We also have the Physical Fitness Test that only our 7th graders take during the 2nd semester. The main goal of the test is to help students in starting life-long habits of regular physical activity.
Lastly, we have CAASPP (California Assessment of Student Performance and Progess) which is taken towards the end of the year. CAASPP includes SBAC (Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium) and CAST (California Science Test). All of our students will take the SBAC assessment. SBAC assessments determine students’ progress toward college and career readiness in English language arts/literacy and Math. CAST is a Science assessment that only our 8th grade students will take.
If you or your student has any questions about any of our assessments, I'm always happy to help. Feel free to email me at Scott.Whisner@sausd.us.
Thank you!
Scott Whisner