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The California Dream Act
What is the California Dream Act?
The Dream Act is really two laws that were passed in 2011 and all AB540 students to apply for and receive several types of financial aid, inlcuding:
* Board of Governors Fee Waivers
* State Fianancial Aid: Cal Grants and Chafee Grants
* Assistance from EOPS, CARE or CalWorks
Check with with your college financial aid, scholarhips, EOPS/CARE and CalWorks offices to see what is available.
What is an AB540 student?
You are an AB540 Student, and exempt from paying non-resident enrollment fees, if you meet all of the following criteria:
* Attended a California high school for at least three years
* Graduated from a California High School, got a GED or passed the California High School Proficiency Exam
* Are registered or enrolled at a California Community College
* If required, complete an affidavit saying you have filed (or will file when you are eligible to do so) for legal information status.
Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational FundFounded in 1968, MALDEF is the nation’s leading Latino legal civil rights organization. Often described as the “law firm of the Latino community”, MALDEF promotes social change through advocacy, communications, community education, and litigation in the areas of education, employment, immigrant rights, and political access.