Eighth Grade - United States History - MacArthur Intermediate - Room 34
This is an exciting time as you enter 8th grade at MacArthur Fundamental Intermediate School. I'm looking forward to a fantastic year!
I'd like to start by sharing my educational background. I received my Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from the University of Southern California, my teaching credential from California State University, Fullerton, and my Master of Arts in Educational Technology from National University.
8th grade social studies is fascinating because we learn how our nation was formed. We start with the 13 English colonies, then progress to the independence movement. We learn about the U.S. Constitution; the “blueprint” for our government. We share stories of the westward movement and analyze the effects of the most devastating conflict in American history, the Civil War. Finally, we will celebrate our nation’s growth and diversity at the turn of the century.
I believe each of you has the ability to learn and appreciate history. I will incorporate different teaching theories (Howard Gardner’s seven intelligences, Bloom’s taxonomy, depth and complexity, etc.) to accommodate all types of learners. We will create an environment that is conducive to learning: one in which we can think critically, have open discussions, and ask questions.
1. Be courteous and show respect. Inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated. The first infraction will result in your name being written on the board. This is a warning. The second offense will result in parent contact/after school detention. A severe infraction (i.e., fighting, insubordination) will result in a referral.
2. Bring required materials to class every day unless you are otherwise directed. This includes your 3” ring binder, agenda, sharpened pencils and pens. Failure to bring required materials will result in loss of citizenship points.
3. Be on time.You need to be seated before the bell rings. Be prepared. Look at the agenda on the board and be ready. Be on task. Know what you should be doing.
4. Homework assignments are to be completed on time. Homework that is not complete (almost complete does not count) will result in signing a homework card. Late work may be turned in, but will result in a 20% reduction in grade.
5. Attend to your personal needs before coming to class.
90-100% - A
80-89% - B
70-79% - C
60-69% - D
59-0% - F
Your final course grade will be based on your exams, homework assignments, group projects and classroom participation. You may “purchase” extra credit points by earning Chee dollars throughout the year.
Five Chee dollars will buy one extra credit point.CITIZENSHIP GRADE
You will start each grading period with 100 citizenship points. The citizenship grading scale is posted on the wall. You lose points for the following infractions: name on the board (disturbing the class), tardies, missed homework assignments, failure to bring materials, and referrals. If a pattern of disruptive behavior continues, you will be placed on the 2nd step of the discipline plan.
When you are absent, you have missed work in class. Make sure you get the missed assignments, which are located in the trays. You may ask reliable classmates for directions on how to complete the assignment. If homework was due on the day(s) you were absent, make sure you turn in your work in the “absent” tray.
Your parents may contact me by calling MacArthur Fundamental Intermediate School at 714-513-9800, or by emailing me at David.Chee@sausd.us