Rodriguez, Rocio
Page Navigation
- Overview
- Schedule
- Helpful Websites
- Enrichment: Week 1-6
- District 2nd Distance Learning Packet
- Earth Day
- Enrichment Week 7-10
- Summer Lessons
- Jack and the Beanstalk
- Hansel and Gretel
- The Enormous Turnip
- Disneyland Lesson
Readers’ Theater
Recruit your family to act out the story.
Art: Draw Characters from Goldilocks
Draw a cute girl (Goldilocks):
Draw a bear:
Don’t forget to add your setting. You need a ground and make sure you add details to your drawings!
The Silly Story of Goldilocks and the Three Squares by Grace Maccarone:
Dance and Sing:
Name the Shape Game:
Shape Song
STEAM Challenge: Goldilocks’s Bed
Goldilocks is breaking everyithing! Can you help?
Ask: Can you make a bed to hold Goldilocks (20 coins -of the same size if possible) that will not break?
Imagine: Think of what you can use that you have at home to make Goldilocks’s bed (index cards, paper, tape, pipe cleaners, paper towel rolls, etc).
Plan: Draw/sketch what your bed and what materials you will use.
Create: Make it!
Test: Is the bed big enough to hold Goldilocks (the coins)? Did it hold Goldilocks’s weight?
Redesign: If it did not work can you try again? Why do you think it did not work? If it did work, can you make it even better? Can it hold 30 coins?
Present: Send me a picture or a video and share with me how it went.