Rodriguez, Rocio
Page Navigation
- Overview
- Schedule
- Helpful Websites
- Enrichment: Week 1-6
- District 2nd Distance Learning Packet
- Earth Day
- Enrichment Week 7-10
- Summer Lessons
- Jack and the Beanstalk
- Hansel and Gretel
- The Enormous Turnip
- Disneyland Lesson
Research Activity- Baking Time!
Look up a pizza recipe. Find out what ingredients are in a pizza. Look up a cake recipe. What is the same about the ingredients of a pizza and a cake? What is different? With an adult, try and make a pizza or a cake (can be cupcakes too).
Art: Draw some of the animals in the story.
Draw a chicken:
Draw a dog:
Draw a cat:
Draw a mouse:
Don’t forget to put a setting/background in your drawing.
This is an entertaining addition and subtraction concept video with the Numberblocks.
Dance and Sing:
Chicken Dance with Maximo (Go Noodle)
Days of the Week Song
STEAM Challenge: Science
Question: Can you make 2 different airplanes that will deliver a pizza to The Little Red Hen so she can take a day off? After you make 2 airplanes, predict which one will glide/fly the best.
Gather Information:
First, make your own paper airplane (Plane A). It is okay to have help.
Next, watch the video or find directions online to make a different plane (Plane B).
Paper Airplane Video
Hypothesis: Now that you have made 2 planes, which one do you think will deliver Little Red Hen’s pizza 1st? Plane A or Plane B?
Experiment: Fly the 2 planes from the same place each time and measure which one goes further. You might want to fly them at least 3 or more times.
Analyze your test results: Look at the data from your experiment and see which one flew further.
Conclusion: My conclusion is…
Extend: Can you make your plane out of different materials? Does that change the distance the plane travels?