• Access For All - 1:1 Chromebook Program

     chromebook chromebook chromebook chromebook chromebook
    OVERVIEW - Mobile Devices at Santiago

    Mobile devices as a technology resource at Santiago School are provided for the purpose of supporting the educational experience and mission of the school.

    Santiago School’s goal in providing these technology resources is to promote educational excellence by facilitating the creative thinking, resource sharing, scholarship, research, and communication to prepare our students for success in the 21st century.
    Use of these technologies is a privilege that carries both responsibilities and behavioral expectations consistent with all school rules and policies.
    Students at Santiago School are expected to use the mobile devices provided to them, along with all other school technology devices, in a respectfulresponsible, and legal manner at all times.

    Access for All - 1:1 Chromebook Program is designed to provide student access to technology in support of learning, beginning with students in grades 6 - 8. The aim is to bring mobile device accessibility to each student for educational purposes. Students at Santiago School are required to have the following conditions checked off in order to check out a device:

       1. Mobile Device Authorized Use - a signed contract of Chromebook responsibility by both student and parent/guardian

       2. Cyber Savvy Ignitions - a passage of 70% or higher on a minimum of three modules.

       2. Responsibility Contract - a signed contract of Chromebook responsibility by both student and parent/guardian

       3. Permission - a written parent permission for student to "take home" a Chromebook