

Degrees and Certifications:

2002 - BA - Vanguard University 2007 - MA - National University

Mr. Manntai

Teaching Career

I have been a teacher here in Santa Ana Unified School District since 2006.  I have had the opportunity to teach at several different high schools here in the district.


2006 - 2010

I began my teaching career as a student-teacher at Century High School and was subsequently hired as a contract teacher for Earth Science.



I moved to Upstate New York for a couple of years and returned to the District at Saddleback High School in 2012 teaching Earth Science.



I had the privilege to transfer here to Godinez High School where I have taught Biology since 2016.  This year I am also teaching Environmental Science, a new class being offered to give students more opportunity for success.



Vanguard Univerisity - Class of 2002 - BA


National University - 2007 - MA

Vanguard University Logo
National University Logo