• Welcome!! to Mr. Sprafka's Class

    About Me:

    opah Hello class, I'm super excited to be your 7th grade science/medical detectives teacher this year. I'd like to share a  little information about myself.  I've been a teacher at MacArthur since 2000. I attended U.C. Santa Cruz as an undergraduate and U.C. Davis for my masters in physiological ecology. My science interests include marine biology and aquaculture. In my free time, my wife and I love to travel, I enjoy swimming, fishing, and going to the beach. My wife is also a science teacher in SAUSD at Carr.




    This week's links



    Contact Information

    School Telephone: (714) 568-7700

    School Email: john.sprafka@sausd.us


    Canvas Link

    Zoom Link

    • I can be reached at:

    (714) 856-7700 (school)
    Here are some links that might be helpful for you:





