Marinelli, C. - Physical Education
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COURSE: 6-8 Physical Education
TEACHER: Mrs. Marinelli
COURSE DESCRIPTION: Provide quality, daily, physical education experiences for all students.
ATTENDANCE POLICY: Students are required to attend class daily and on time. Unexcused absences will result in loss of daily participation points.
MAKE-UP POLICY: Missing work can be made up and turned in 2 weeks before the end of the grading period.
ATTIRE/PE UNIFORM: PE uniforms consist of black athletic shorts and grey t-shirts and are required for physical education. Students are expected to wear athletic type shoes during PE as well.
MEDICAL EXCUSES: Students with a note from a parent/guardian excusing them from participating in physical activity are required to bring the note to school describing the medical issue that is preventing them from participating in class activities. After 3 days, students are required to bring a note from a medical doctor excusing them from participation in physical activity.
GRADES: Students are graded on the following:
100 % Participation and Engagement