• Ms. Oswandel

    Room 4106




     7th Grade World History – Overview and Expectations


    Overview Social Science combines geography and history in the study of  different cultures from medieval to early modern times. It is a fun class.  We examine the important people, places, events, and ideas from all over the world between approximately A.D. 400 – A.D. 1700.  We learn about Rome, Islam, knights and castles, the Renaissance, the Age of Exploration, Japan and samurai warriors, and many more interesting people who have contributed great things to our world. The class will analyze the various parts of culture and components of civilization including forms of government, social order, religion, art, writing, economy, and daily life.


    Students will be asked to think, speak, read, write, and participate, and ask lots of questions about the world long ago and today.  We will work collaboratively and cooperatively to become better readers, writers, speakers, and thinkers.  Our goal is to prepare students for High School, College and beyond , and develop into productive citizens. Students will participate in the Achieve3000 reading program to help improve their reading comprehension.


    II  Expectations – I hope both the students and the teacher share the same “Golden Rule”:


     “Encourage the teacher to teach and the students to learn in a safe, enjoyable, and respectful way.”


    To help all of us meet this simple goal, students will be expected to:

    •         Be on time, prepared (chromebook charged and school supplies), and ready to learn.
    •         Be attentive and respectful in class. Be prepared to do your best.
    •         Complete all work, even when absent (call a friend, contact teacher, call school).
    •         “Do the right thing.”


    III  Grading –  You will earn points by doing work.  Late work is accepted up to the end of the grading period at no more than 70% of the original point worth


    Formal Assessments (tests/quizzes, presentations, projects) –  40% of grade

    Informal Assessments (class work, individual responses, etc.) –  40% of grade

    Participation (Exit tickets, QOD, HW)                                          -   10% of grade

    Achieve 3000                                                                            -   10% of grade

    Citizenship Grade (O,S,N,U) – combination of behavior, attitude, effort, participation

    90%-100% - A                    

    80%-89.9% - B

    70%-79.9% - C

    60%-69.9% - D

    50% -59.9% - F


    IV  Homework. There is no set homework policy, but it will be assigned occasionally.   My advice is that you always review what was done in class that day.  You will be responsible for completing all work which may require some extra work.  Redo work that is not excellent.


    Parents – Parents / guardians are the most important part of a child’s education.  Show you care by:

    •         Providing a quiet place to work. 
    •         Asking your child to show you what they did today, including their agenda.
    •         Communicating with the teacher via email, telephone, or ParentSquare.
Last Modified on August 11, 2024